KnoSciences - KnoMath
Table des matières
Knosciences FAQ
What exactly is KnoSciences?
Where did the name "KnoSciences" come from?
What are the minimum system requirements?
How do I get the Knosciences CD ?
What are these strange MD5 files that accompany the ISO CD images ?
I have downloaded the ISO file, now what ?
Why does my writer/software not accept to write to my 80 minute CD-R?
My computer won't boot from CD. What should I do?
Why is my favourite software xyz not present on the CD ?
I have Microsoft Windows already, what should I do?
How do I save my preferences (language, UI...) ?
How do I write files on an USB memory stick ?
How do I use an USB memory stick to save my configuration and files?
How can I write to my existing partitions?
How to install Knosciences on hardisk
What else is there to be aware of?
knosciences/faq.txt · Dernière modification: 2013/06/13 03:12 (modification externe)
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